Fail To Plan
The first part of my life was lived without a plan. I didn't see the need for having a focused goal in mind. My plan was to do as much as possible and make as much money as I could. There was no way I could attain a set goal or reach a point that I could claim success. A life without a plan is a worthless life. As men, we need to live with the end in mind. We need to live with a plan that has a focused goal. One face of being a man is the warrior face. The warrior lives with an energy focused on conquest. A warrior is driven to attain a certain goal. It may be to sell 5% more than the previous year for a salesperson, or maybe the previous month. A focused goal is needed. If the salesperson sets his goal as just more, his success could be at 1% or 10%. In reviewing his year, it is harder to establish exactly how successful of a year the salesperson had. We focused Wednesday night on looking back. The salesperson first needs to look back to see where his goals should be. He wouldn...