
Showing posts from October, 2009

Everybody Loves Mrs. Barone?

If you’ve every watched the TV program “Everybody Loves Raymond” you understand the twisted relationships of the show.  The show is based on exaggerations of normal everyday relationships. The relationship I want to point out is between Ray and his mother. Ray does not want to disrespect his mother. The relationship he has with other people takes a beating because of his lack of standing up to his mother. The relationship that suffers the most is with his wife. If a man wants his marriage to last, he must be the one to set boundaries with his mother. You cannot leave it up to your wife and mother. It is the son’s responsibility. When I was younger, my mother was always there for me. The problem was, I wasn’t man enough to stand on my own. It wasn’t mom’s fault, it was totally mine. I lived down the street from my parents and it was too convenient if I needed something. Early in the Bible it tells of leaving your parents and being joined with your wife as one flesh. (Genesis 2:24...

Product of the Past

We are all products of the past. We have no choice in this matter but the choice we do have is not to be prisoners of the past. The process of growing up involves learning from our mistakes. Growing old is not a choice but growing up is a choice that some do not wish to take. The absent father is a problem, always has been a problem but not as great as it is today. Approximately 40% of young men will grow up today without the presence of a father. This number doesn't take into account the large number of present yet uninvolved fathers. Every young man needs an older man to pattern himself after. Because of the absent or uninvolved father, many boys grow up without any idea of what they are supposed to be. So then what we're left with is a world full of boys walking around in bodies designed for men. This cycle continues until someone steps in and breaks the pattern. Young boys need someone to model what a man is supposed to be. The best example would be an involved father. If t...