Margin Call
Most people relate this in terms of money. Money has been a huge issue on most people's minds-mine included. I'm using the term today in terms of time. When we reached daylight savings time, my expectations were that I would have time to catch up on some chores around the yard. Today begins another week of not getting home before the sun goes down. This cycle will probably continue another 4-5 weeks. Well at least I have weekends, but at this point are over half committed. Like most people, I need to set priorities on the activities I'm involved in and cut some out. I need to look at my motivation for doing them and use that to figure out what gives. Do I do them because they "need" done? Do I enjoy what I'm doing? Or Do I really love what I'm doing? If I'm doing them because they need done, is there someone else that could take care of this and would love doing it? If I could cut these "need to" items out I would get more joy out of life. I...