
Showing posts from December, 2011

Perfect Love!

Last spring my wife Kim and I had been discussing how we could change our lives for the better. This involved making our lives less complicated- much less complicated. We needed to get rid of stuff! Most of this “stuff” was purchased by me. These were mostly items that took maintenance. This maintenance took time and money. By the summer these things hadn’t been accomplished because I was dragging my feet. I have always been a husband and father that would do everything for my wife and daughters. I had got my priorities mixed up. I had put them above God without realizing it. A better way to say this is that I didn’t put God in His rightful place. I do love my wife and daughters completely. I needed to somehow love God more. Through the last 5 months, He has brought this to my attention. I don’t discount my love for my family. My drawback is to find a way to love God more. HE has showed how this is done by sending His only Son to die in my place for my sin. We celebrate the earthly bir...

An Important Task Part Two

I made mention of an important task with two parts in my previous post. It is a task with two equally important parts. We usually focus on the first part and ignore, or fail at the second part. In Psalm 5 David cries out to God for protection. Verse 3 states “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. (NASB)                 I have a certain amount of patience. This patience is sufficient as long as I am occupied with various tasks. If indeed I am asking the Lord for guidance and direction, don’t you think I should watch eagerly or expectantly for His guidance? If I am too busy with worldly tasks that have no significance, what does that show in regards to my view of God and His power in my request? If He shows me direction and guidance and I don’t pay attention to Him, is it a wonder that I am left searching for a direction to go? This doesn’t give me an excuse to be lazy, or a...