
Showing posts from January, 2016

By Faith

  Webster defines faith as the allegiance to duty or a person. A second definition is a belief and trust in and loyalty to God or a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. Or further yet something that is believed especially with strong conviction. The Bible speaks much on the idea of faith. Hebrews chapter 11 speaks about those who "By faith" acted in accordance with their faith. We have all been placed in unique situations and circumstances. We have different things we face every day. we have different diseases to deal with, a different set of financial restraints, or many different personal relationships. How we deal we these represents our faith. We can choose to take on these situations alone as they come up. We can look to God for advice or direction in a certain financial, health or relationship issue- and then choose how far we want to trust Him (by faith). Better yet we can turn it all over to Him and follow what he wants us to do.    My life has...