
Showing posts from February, 2009


Public libraries can be the source of debate. What material is appropriate to have in a public library? Should anything ever written be placed in a public library? If there is a limit on what should be in a public library, who should decide on the material? Our community libraries usually have a board which is appointed by the local government. If graphic images are on display in a library, whose responsibility is it to keep young children exposed from these images? An easy answer to this is the parents. I chose to protect my children as much as possible, but I'm outnumbered. My children don't gravitate toward the same things. They have different likes and dislikes. When we go into a library (or book store) we all head in different directions. It is a challenge to protect my children from things that can harm them. I have a great admiration for parents that have many children. As hard as it is with two (which happen to be twins in my case but none the less still different), I c...

What is the speed of dark?

About a week ago I received an email that asked this question. The question asumes that dark has a measureable power. In reality, "dark" has no power in spite of the fact that society teaches us differently. Light speed is around 186000 miles per second. Taken this fact, we could say that "dark" has the same speed. But darkness is controled by the light. Or to be correct, Light. The Light of the world has the power over darkness. Darkness cannot survive where Light is present. The speed of darkness is controlled by the Light. The Triune God has power over darkness. Society celebrates the perceived power of darkness. As men we should acknowledge where the true power comes from. True power comes from Jesus Christ. I welcome any comments on this or any other subject that pertain to men.


Divorce has weakened this country. It has had an extremely negative influence on children. My parents have been married over 50 years. Both sets of my grandparents were married over fifty years. I can't explain what a powerful influence that has had on me. They were all married at an early age. My dad was the oldest of the six at 22 years of age. I wasn't fortunate enough to marry until I was thirty five years old. The period between adulthood and my marriage age were strenuous years. The fact that these ancestors stayed married is one reason I will stay married. These men understood what a promise meant. The main reason for staying married has nothing to do with the way I feel. It has to do with my responsibility for things I have said and promised to do. Real men NEVER go back on a promise. Until death do us part is a promise to not only the bride at the wedding, but to the people in attendance and a promise to God himself. The promise shouldn't be based on the way you f...

A learning man

Last night while I was driving, my wife was explaining a situation that she was experiencing with our daughter. It seemed that the daughter was acting different when I was at home. I listened to my wife and then proceeded to tell her how to fix it. Apparently I wasn't listening to what she was saying. In our almost fifteen years together I have discovered that men and women are different. I had grown up around my brothers and other males. I had never hung around with anyone of the opposite sex. I just didn't know how differently men and women look at the same situation differently. An example of this is when we were out driving one day. We past a four wheel drive pickup For sale that was about 20 years old and painted camouflage. Of course we both noticed the truck. My wife's response was "Who in his right mind would buy that?" I said to her "I was thinking why anyone in his right mind would sell that truck!" Marriage is difficult. It is even more diffic...

Our society's greatest problem

When I was younger, I thought I had all the information I needed as far as being a man. I had lived my short life and learned from my observation of older men in my life. I also had male teachers that I looked up to. Many of these people had no idea what a real man looked like. Their perception of a real man was a tall, muscular specimen that could physically do things that others would be awed by. I am still awed by things that some men can do. There are men like Wilt Chamberlain who once scored 100 points in a single basketball game. He could dominate a game by just being in the game. Also someone like Dale Earnhardt and his ability to get the most out of his automobile. He also had the fierce determination to win. I am still awed by the accomplishments of men such as these. The true measure of a true man comes from the inside. It is measured by his relationship with others. A true man is the most unselfish person you would ever meet. He would be a man that you would follow as a lead...