Divorce has weakened this country. It has had an extremely negative influence on children. My parents have been married over 50 years. Both sets of my grandparents were married over fifty years. I can't explain what a powerful influence that has had on me. They were all married at an early age. My dad was the oldest of the six at 22 years of age. I wasn't fortunate enough to marry until I was thirty five years old. The period between adulthood and my marriage age were strenuous years. The fact that these ancestors stayed married is one reason I will stay married. These men understood what a promise meant.
The main reason for staying married has nothing to do with the way I feel. It has to do with my responsibility for things I have said and promised to do. Real men NEVER go back on a promise. Until death do us part is a promise to not only the bride at the wedding, but to the people in attendance and a promise to God himself. The promise shouldn't be based on the way you feel at a certain period of history. It is your word.
Men have allowed divorce to gain a foothold on this country. The family unit is the most basic social unit. The strength of the United States resides in this basic unit. The easier divorce is to obtain, the weaker society is. We as men need to stick to our guns (promises). Our children's future relies on how we react today.
I realize that we as men have made mistakes in the past (as we all have-myself included). Our past sins need to be a learning situation- not to make the same mistakes twice. If you have been divorced- leave that behind but learn from it. You can make the most of your life from this point forward. There is forgiveness if we just ask for it.
The main reason for staying married has nothing to do with the way I feel. It has to do with my responsibility for things I have said and promised to do. Real men NEVER go back on a promise. Until death do us part is a promise to not only the bride at the wedding, but to the people in attendance and a promise to God himself. The promise shouldn't be based on the way you feel at a certain period of history. It is your word.
Men have allowed divorce to gain a foothold on this country. The family unit is the most basic social unit. The strength of the United States resides in this basic unit. The easier divorce is to obtain, the weaker society is. We as men need to stick to our guns (promises). Our children's future relies on how we react today.
I realize that we as men have made mistakes in the past (as we all have-myself included). Our past sins need to be a learning situation- not to make the same mistakes twice. If you have been divorced- leave that behind but learn from it. You can make the most of your life from this point forward. There is forgiveness if we just ask for it.
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