Balancing Time
My thoughts have centered on time lately, how God is not bound by time and also how I am restricted by time. We each are given a fixed amount of time on this earth. How we use each moment of time is determined by each of us. We can use it to work to run ourselves until we have no energy or sit not accomplishing anything. The key is to find the balancing point of working and resting. Each one of us is designed with differences in each. Someone may be designed with a tremendous amount of drive and energy. Another designed with a greater amount of rest needed. The driven person can easily "drive" himself (or herself) out of energy if taken to the extreme. The laid back person can do just the opposite and sit around and not be motivated to do anything. The following two Bible verses have been brought to my attention in this matter. Psalm 46: (ESV) “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” 2...