
Showing posts from February, 2010

Am I a Libertarian Conservative?

I am puzzled by a talk show that I saw recently. I probably shouldn't be puzzled. It happens all the time. It's when a host or mediator puts some predetermined premises on a question and then asks the guest to try to answer the question. The question in this case was about how the United States could cut taxes and reduce the deficit. He also put the stipulations that domestic programs couldn't be cut and that foreign cuts couldn't be taken because of our need to maintain the world power status. I don't know how this question could be answered. The domestic cuts couldn't be allowed because as we grow older we rely on the government more. His premise was that the idea of "less government" only applies to kids or young adults. I guess what he is getting at is that I need to grow up and rely on the government. My thought is that he needs to grow up and take some responsibility on his own life. This country needs people to stand up and take personal respons...

Thoughts on this husband and wife

I proposed to my wife fifteen years ago yesterday. I put off asking her to marry me until the day after Valentine's day. The reason for this was my grandma's funeral was on the 14th. I wanted to remember this day as a special day with no negative aspects involved. We were married later that summer. In the time together we've gone through some changes. One of those changes is how we view the marriage relationship. I first tried the traditional view of marriage in which the husband is ruler over all. We lived in this model a very short time. I would like to stress the word "short". You will also noticed that the word "I" was used in the sentence. The short time in this model is a good thing because we probably wouldn't have been able to move beyond the 50-50 marriage in which we both worked as partners. This partnership model will only work a short, set period of time. It didn't work very well for us as well. A business without a leader (which is w...

Limited time with emotion added

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed by the lack of free time in my schedule. Looking at this statement I can see where my problem starts. It lies in the word "feeling". There is certainly nothing wrong with having feelings or having emotion. All human beings have feelings and emotions. That is what makes us unique when compared to other animals. But the statement above is "self" focused. As I step back away from the previous week, I can see clearly where everything was done when it was supposed to be. I was distracted by the many small things that were occupying my time. Each of these things were very small and in the grand scheme of things would never amount to any hill of beans. I didn't look beyond the problems that surrounded me. I needed to focus on one thing at a time and let the learning opportunities come to me in order. I like (feelings again) my world to be planned and orderly without surprises. The past week has given me the chance to learn from my...