Thoughts on this husband and wife
I proposed to my wife fifteen years ago yesterday. I put off asking her to marry me until the day after Valentine's day. The reason for this was my grandma's funeral was on the 14th. I wanted to remember this day as a special day with no negative aspects involved. We were married later that summer. In the time together we've gone through some changes. One of those changes is how we view the marriage relationship. I first tried the traditional view of marriage in which the husband is ruler over all. We lived in this model a very short time. I would like to stress the word "short". You will also noticed that the word "I" was used in the sentence. The short time in this model is a good thing because we probably wouldn't have been able to move beyond the 50-50 marriage in which we both worked as partners. This partnership model will only work a short, set period of time. It didn't work very well for us as well. A business without a leader (which is what this model is) will eventually fail. This marriage model has a goal of equality-a well placed goal. The problem is that without a leader, this marriage loses direction and purpose. Life becomes difficult, more difficult than before and the marriage suffers. The only marriage model that lasts is one with a leader. The husband acting as the responsible head of the household. This head must act in a servant's role. If the head doesn't take on a servant's role, the marriage again suffers. He must be eager and not reluctant to want to serve his wife and family. (I fail sometimes here also) The benefits of this relationship are shared by all. I consider it a benefit to be able to serve my wife and daughters. I know I still fall short at times but I am trying to improve.
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