Limited time with emotion added

Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed by the lack of free time in my schedule. Looking at this statement I can see where my problem starts. It lies in the word "feeling". There is certainly nothing wrong with having feelings or having emotion. All human beings have feelings and emotions. That is what makes us unique when compared to other animals. But the statement above is "self" focused. As I step back away from the previous week, I can see clearly where everything was done when it was supposed to be. I was distracted by the many small things that were occupying my time. Each of these things were very small and in the grand scheme of things would never amount to any hill of beans. I didn't look beyond the problems that surrounded me. I needed to focus on one thing at a time and let the learning opportunities come to me in order. I like (feelings again) my world to be planned and orderly without surprises. The past week has given me the chance to learn from my circumstances. I have relearned that I can't control everything that happens in the universe. I have relearned it many times and may have to many more times before my time on this earth is done. There is one controller of the universe. That is God. I loose my focus on Him and everything else becomes scrambled. He didn't give me more than I could handle this past week, but from my perspective it seemed that way.
My feelings can change as often as the weather changes. The comforting thought is that there is a Triune God that never changes. He is the same today as He was yesterday. He will be the same forever. He gives me strength when I'm weak and encourages me when I'm struggling. Jesus Christ welcomes me even though I'm unworthy. He will be there tomorrow when I need Him as well. My feelings will never change that.


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