Constructive vs. Destructive

            I have a great job. I manage a lumberyard for a living. Our main customer base builds single family homes. One of the best things about my job is seeing people complete their projects and someone out there having a beautiful home to live in. This constructive process is very fulfilling. We also supply materials to hospitals, churches, and schools. We supply material to many constructive businesses. This also brings joy.
            Another part of my job grieves me very deeply. It involves people that use these God given resources at the expense of others. It may be someone working around the law to get something for personal gain at others expense. It could be someone building a business that will hurt other businesses.  These businesses can also be a cancer on the community. These people blindly use these materials for their own gain, not thinking about what destruction they are actually causing. Maybe they are blind to these things, or maybe they know what problems they are causing for others and don’t care at all. This part of my job is hard to stomach. The selfish greed of “men” (they aren’t authentic men) that use what God has given for constructive purposes, and use these materials to destroy.


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