I'm on pace to read through the Bible this year. I'm about 3 days ahead of where my software tells me I should be. I've been as far as a week ahead to a week behind. My reading this morning was the last half of Lamentations. The key words of description from the first four chapters are desolation, destruction, distraught, and defeated. The last chapter starts with a prayer of confession then a petition for restoration from God. The last two verses are drastically different.
Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored! Renew our days of old-
unless you have utterly rejected us, and you remain exceedingly angry with us.
It ends on a negative note. I am glad that the Bible doesn't end with this type of ending. I am glad that the Lord God is extremely patient and doesn't forget us. But this petition doesn't come without a confession of sin. I fall short time and time again, then acknowledge my shortcomings to God. He sent his Son Jesus Christ to give me a renewed hope that I won't ever be forgotten. My hope is not in myself but in Christ himself, He is worthy. Only He can step in and fill the void left by my sin.
Tomorrow I begin Ezekiel. Maybe it will end on a better note.( A New Holy Land)
Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored! Renew our days of old-
unless you have utterly rejected us, and you remain exceedingly angry with us.
It ends on a negative note. I am glad that the Bible doesn't end with this type of ending. I am glad that the Lord God is extremely patient and doesn't forget us. But this petition doesn't come without a confession of sin. I fall short time and time again, then acknowledge my shortcomings to God. He sent his Son Jesus Christ to give me a renewed hope that I won't ever be forgotten. My hope is not in myself but in Christ himself, He is worthy. Only He can step in and fill the void left by my sin.
Tomorrow I begin Ezekiel. Maybe it will end on a better note.( A New Holy Land)
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