The Beginning of Manhood
Genesis 1:27
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and femaleThis verse speaks of many different things about manhood. It signifies human value both male and female- Both male and female in the likeness of God. It is a personal statement- given uniqueness and a special bond between God and human beings. In verse 28 we are called to fill the earth, subdue and rule over the earth.
Continuing we see that man is given an occupation and a responsibility over the earth. Man is designed to work and to be a leader. We are to take this leadership responsibly and act according to God's word. When we deviate from God's instruction we suffer the consequences. Male domination is not taught in God's word and is a personal moral failure.
Some insights from Genesis chapter 3 include: Adam is held accountable for the first sin. God asks him about and he doesn't stand and take responsibility for his failure. It's a direct question without a direct answer. Adam didn't listen to God's instructions. Even after this failure, Adam is still called to lead. We as men still need to lead, and lead without pushing or pulling. If we lead in the right direction our families will follow.
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