Standing Firm

     1 Corinthians 16:13 has been on my radar for many years now. 

    I try to pay attention to the people around me. I try to be aware of their needs or any dangers around them. Then do what I can to help the situation. Many times I don't know what to do and sometimes it may be best not to do anything- or to put off doing something until later. 

    Next is to stand firm in my faith and not let any worldly influences alter what I'm doing- this is easier said than done. Many times I'm motivated by what "man wants" and not doing what God would want me to do. Standing firm in the faith requires me to do exactly what God wants me to do or react exactly as God would have me do- this is usually more difficult because of the worldly influence around me. And the worldly influence is not only outside the church. 

    When you pull out the next words-act like men and be strong- without having any context to base it on, it takes on an entirely different idea than what Paul intended. Paul never wants us to forget that in order to fulfill this idea that we should never do it without the concept of love. (verse 14) He makes sure and puts the word all in the statement. What ever we do should be out of a motivation of love. I have a great tendency to do things because I want them done my way. I want control. I want people to follow my lead. A good leader should always consider the love of those that follow. I've found that if I'm leading with the right motivation people will follow.


    I've always had the first verse on my radar but sometimes forgetting the second. When that's the case, why would people want to follow me? Over the past few years I've looked at this closer in my life. I haven't changed what I'm doing (for the most part), but have thought more about my motivation. What I've found I don't like. I'm motivated more by me getting my way than I'd like to see. How do I fix this? Do I change what I'm doing? Do I give up these areas of control? Over the next years my plan is to look at all areas of my life and consider why I do them. I have an idea of what I need to do- but don't like it. Even at this moment, I'm more concerned about how those around me will react then to actually do what God wants me to do. Some may think that I'm not standing firm at all. That's a great part of my issue- trying to listen for what God is saying and not listening to man.


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